Gay pride nyc 2008

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What started as a small neighborhood event, has now transformed into a week-long global celebration, welcoming a host of international stars and a jam-packed program of entertainment. Since then, Miami Pride has grown healthily into the largest event of the year for the city, attracting an estimated 170,000 party revelers and welcoming plenty of A-list celebrities including Iggy Azalea, Jordin Sparks, Gloria Estefan and Adam Lambert. Miami has always been a stronghold in terms of LGBTQ culture, and this was reflected in the city's inaugural Pride Parade in 2009, which welcomed an impressive 15,000 people. This incredible beach pride has been taking place every year since 2009, and by the sound of things we can look forward to a jam-packed program of fun in the sun.

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Gay Miami has some of the best beaches in the world, so it makes sense that the city’s celebration of LGBTQ life would be held right there, in front of the sea.

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